stationary package- the printed pieces that a company utilizes for communication purposes
-when establishng a buissness it is very important that all communications are well coordinated and that the messgae of the organiztion is presented consistently
-includes business card, letterhead, and envelope
Buisness card-
an essential part of a stationary design. when you hand someone your business card, they will form an immediate opinion about your company. your business card does more then tell people how to find you: it says something about your company, its mission , its culture, and its goals.
-includes: logo, company name, employee name, title, phone number, fax number, email address, company address, web address
must be 2x 3.5 in
margin .25" to .125"
a printed piece of paper used to send letters. memos, etc.
includes: logo, company name, company address, phone number, fax number, web address
Design tips: must be 8.5"x 11" must be vertical must leave room to write. margins .25"
Envelope- packaging the contains the letter form when being mailed
standard #10 envelope
includes: logo, company name, and address
Design tips: 9.5" width x 4.125" height. must leave room for stamp in top right corner. .25" in margin