Assignment #1 Icons
Objective and Reflection....
My objective was to create three icons to help support communication to people who might not speak the same language as me. i liked that i got to used the tools in illustrator to make these icons. It was pretty easy and fun! i did not like how some of my icons turned out.
assignment #2: Texture Grids
my objective was to create 9 squares filled with a texture. then, make it into a clipping mask. the first 3 were just textures, the middle 3 dealt with positive and negative space, and the bottom 3 concentrated on value. i really like this assisngment. it helped me preactice with the pen tool in illustrator.
Assignment #3 color wheel
my objective of this assignment was to make a color wheel using shapes for the colors to be on. i created a guitar alined with a music note, then i colored them in with the correct color.
assignment #4 pop art
for this assignment i took a picture of myself in photo booth, and moved it into Photoshop. in photoshop, i i cropped and colored in the picture with various color schemes.
assignment #5 photo mosaic
for this assignment i found a picture of a cougar and uploaded it to Photoshop. i then found several other pictures and put them over the first one. i then blended them all together.
assignment #6
for this assignment i mimicked the style of Stephan Kroniger. i found many different pictures and ut them into one crazy scene. i made it to look like a page in one of his children books.
assignment #7
for this assignment i put myself in a scene with someone famous. i put my self next to Will Ferral in one of the movies hes in.
assignment #8 see what im saying
for this assignment i found a picture of a rose online, then i copied it to illustrator. in illustrator i copied the word "rose" and placed it all around the picture to add value.
assignment #9
for this assignment i took used letters to make the different elements and principles of design. i also used different fonts for each one.
assignment #11 type+photo
for this assignment i took a found a poem. then i found a picture that tells, or shows what the poems about. i then put the word of the poem over the picture i took then i blended them together.
for this assignment i got put into a group of 3, and we each did a different part of the body. i did the legs. i think my part of the assignment was fairly good. i also think the overall project was great.
Assignment #14
for this assignment i had to create an advertisement for the APA. so, i created an American flag for the American part of the name, then i put cameras in the corners for the photographic part. i then put the organizations details in the bottom left corner.
Assignment #15
for this assignment i had to create an illuminated manuscript. i had to create my own background in Photoshop, and an initial cap from the poem that i picked. then i put all of them in indesign. in there i put them all together.
for this assignment i had to create a combination mark. so i made the tree the logo while adding the name of the company in the design.
for this assignment io had to create a lettermark. so i picked out 2 spot colors that matched the company's name. i then found fonts from the internet and create a logo with just words for the company.

Assignment #19
for this assignment i had to create a stationary package. that includes a business card, letterhead, and a envelope. i used the same company, logo , and colors for all 3 of the designs.
Assignment #20
for this assignment i had to create a portrait and a logo for a cause. my cause was to stop smoking. so, i created a logo with i cigarette with a cross through it. i then created my person for my portrait. i made half of the face look dead to symbolize what cigarettes can do to you. which would make someone want to stop. it was also meant to scare the viewer into stopping.