SHAPE-This element of design is a shape. this designer could have used to pen tool to make the curve and straight lines of the heart. there are many types of shapes that designers can used to help make this design. but, this designer only used one heart for his design.

LINES: this designer used lines to create a car. he/she used a mixture of curved and straight lines for this design. lines are a very effective thing to use in designs because you can create anything with them. they are probably the most useful element because you cant create a design without lines.

TEXTURE: texture is used to show that the object would feel like something if you touched. it could be used to make the object look rough, soft, smooth, or anything else. this make the object really pop off the page because it makes the object look more realistic. in this design it makes the ball look furry , so it makes the mind think if you were going to touch it the ball would feel furry.

SPACE: space is used to spread out a design. it makes you feel like there is a lot of room in your design. it gives your design many dimensions. it also makes your ojects it your design not look so crammed into one area. in this design it makes the room look a lot bigger, and that you could fit more things into there if you needed too.

VALUE: value is a very important part of graphic design. when you use different shades in your design i make sour object look like it popped off the page. value is also used to show light. if used right it makes the design really pop off the page because some of it is lighter and gradually gets darker which really makes it look professional. like in this picute it starts off a light blue and gradually gets darker to almost a black.
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