Friday, March 7, 2014


     Fire is an intersecting phenomenon. mesmerizing when looking at it from a far, staring at the flames dance in the pit. However, it is just as destructive when seen up close, burning down everything it touches. In a way you could say that fire is beautifully dangerous. I do not deal with fire as much as i do heat.
     Every year when the end of April comes around, school slowly gets out of my mind while football swiftly makes its way in. The end of April marks the beginning of spring football where heat is found in almost every aspect; whether it be the literal temperature of the scolding April afternoons, or the hot-headed egos of the rising seniors showing their new found dominance to the rest of the team by beating up on the miniscule sophomores. Spring football goes on for two weeks, and comes to an end with an inter-squad scrimmage where the students of the school come in to get a glimpse of the upcoming varsity team. Players get caught up in the heat of the moment by getting stargazed by the roaring fans from the stands. So caught up that they end up forgetting what they were suppose to be doing on a specific play. This, in turn, heats up the coaches which leads to the players feeling the heat of the coaches breath on their face from the intense screaming and varied use of curse words being projected at them. Luckily for us players, all is forgotten after the game. On the unlucky side, however, summer practice is right around the corner. Where we are out on the blazing hot turf field for hours on end. The field is so hot that you can see the heat waves dance in the distance and your cleats begin to melt to the ground beneath you. The cycle then continues: players mess up, coaches get mad, coaches yell at you, and then you get heated and end up fighting your best freind until some other teamate breaks up the fight. This goes on for three months until school starts up again.

     Heat comes in many shapes and forms that are not fire. I deal with this heat for most of the months out of the year. The heat of it all is all worth it when you hear the fans chanting your name as you beat your rivals and continue to win. That's when the heat does not feel so hot.

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