Friday, April 18, 2014

The Wolf of Wall Street critique

People all around the world are talking about The Wolf of Wall Street as being one of the better newly released films. I was not one of these people. The film is a life story about how wall street broker, Jordan Belfort, scammed the stock industry to make millions of dollars. I quickly realized that this was not a step-by-step guide on how to make it big in the stock industry, in fact it was more about the promotion of cocaine, prostitutes, and the excessive use of the "f" word. 

The Wolf of Wall Street is a grotesque depiction of the scum-bag lifestyle of the upper-class. There was not a point in the movie where one could go five minutes without seeing a character doing some type of drug, or fornicating with some low-rate girl looking for a quick pay from a wealthy man. The movie was disturbing and disgusting with the only benefit being that I learned how to obtain and do drugs in creative ways. It was like the creators were on drugs themselves when they decided to start filming. At the end of the film I felt like I needed a shower and to be checked into a rehab facility for my intense drug addiction. The other unlikable quality of the film were the actors and actresses. Oscar-less Leonardo DiCaprio played as Jordan Belfort. Although he tried, he still underperformed, and walked away from the film with no academy award. Jordan's right-hand man, Donnie Azoff (Jonah Hill), was the overweight, drug-addicted, numb-skull. His main role was getting Jordan into trouble; he was the cause of Jordan's drug addiction. Finally there was Jordan's wife, Naomie Lapaglia (Margot Robbie). Naomi was as annoying as she was beautiful. She was great to look at, but as soon as she opened her mouth her awful New Jersey accent took over. It was like hearing nails on a chalk board for every word that she spoke. The actors in The Wolf of Wall Street made the film almost unbearable to watch.

Watching The Wolf of Wall Street was three hours of pure agony. I cringed at almost every visual, and when I closed my eyes to escape it my ears were clogged with the vulgar language that was said in every sentence. I would not wish this experience on my worse enemy. Unless my enemy wanted to throw their life away, and do some drugs. Then i would hand it to he/she on a silver platter.

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